Friday, September 9, 2016

Latihan Soal Essay 1

Soal essay
1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan “Text” dan “Nontext”
2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan context?
3. Apakah istilah atau kata “teks” selalu mengacu pada teks  tertulis?
4. Jelaskan mengapa pendidikan bahasa Inggris perlu memperhatikan jenis-jenis teks yang dipelajari penutur asli?
5. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang paragraf, dan bagaimanakah paragraf yang baik itu?

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda 1

Soal pilihan ganda
1.    Which of the following explanation is not text?
A. Simbol “dilarang parkir” yang berada ditepi jalan
B. Tulisan “Ladies” yang ada dipintu toilet
C. Notasi irama musik yang ada di area parkir
D. Surat dari anak untuk orang tua

2.    Look at this picture!

This picture is considered as text when?
A. On a newspaper page
B. On a mathematics book page
C. In front of a classroom
D. On a school yard

3.    Pay attention to this conversation, which is not considered as text?
A. Man      : Excuse me mom, how much does it cost?
     Woman : It is Rp. 500.00
B. Man      : It‘s already midnight my dear!
    Woman  : Of course!
C. Man      : Hi, you broke my umbrella!
     Woman : Ups! Sorry!
D. Man      : I will go to your home tonight.
     Woman : They were good team.

4. Which of the following pictures is considered as text?





For question number 5 – 6, complete the following text with the suitable word.
5.    You could go and play  … you have done your homework. 
A. since
B. after
C. although
D. that 

6.    Roger went swimming  … it was raining.
A. after
B. since
C. although
D. that

For questions number 7 – 8 are based on this text.
"My favourite colour is blue.  I like it because it is calming and it relaxes me.  I often go outside in the summer and lie on the grass and look into the clear sky when I am stressed.  For this reason, I'd have to say my favourite colour is blue."

7.    What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Colour
B. Blue
C. Grass
D. Sky 

8.    What comment is the best related to this text?
A. This text has a good coherence
B. This text has a good cohesion
C. This text has a good coherence but has a bad cohesion
D. This text has a good coherence and cohesion

For questions number 9 – 10 are based on this text.

Cocroach Fun Facts

When you think of interesting animals, you probably don't picture the common  cockroach. However, although this insect isn't very pretty, it is pretty amazing.
Cockroaches are good at getting around. They can squeeze into very tight spaces, which comes in handy when they want to go through cracks in walls. A baby cockroach can flatten itself as thin as a dime. They're fastmoving bugs, too. Travelling at three miles an hour, a cockroach can easily scurry out of the way of looming feet or bug swatters.
Cockroaches are also tought. They can survive a month without food and a week without water. They can even survive for weeks without a head!
Next time you see a cockroach, show some respect for this common household pest. After all, the species has been around far longer than people-more than 280 million years, by some estimates. Now that's an old bug!

9.    What main idea is supported by the fact that a cockroach can survive without its head?
A. Cockroaches are fast-moving
B. Cockroaches are tough
C. Cockroaches are common pests
D. Cockroaches are smart

10. Which of these tells one way that cockroaches and human are different?
A. Cockroaches can move faster
B. Cockroaches have longer lives
C. Cockroaches need food and water
D. Cockroaches have existed longer as a species

Video tentang GP Daring yang perlu Anda Ketahui

1. GP Daring Registrasi Akun:
3. GP Daring Mulai belajar:
4. GP Daring memeriksa portofolio
5. GP daring membuat laporan mingguan
6. GP Daring Activity completion:
7. GP Daring membuat forum:
8. GP daring melihat nilai:
9. GP Daring Upload:
10. Mendownload nilai
11. Download Activity completion :

Tips dalam menyusun kalimat

Tips dalam menyusun kalimat agar menjadi suatu paragraf yang padu:
1. Perlu diperhatikan hubungan antar kalimat untuk mengetahui susunan kalimat yang tepat. Ada dua jenis kalimat yaitu kalimat yang diterangkan dan kalimat yang menerangkan. Kalimat yang diterangkan sifatnya umum atau mayor dan kalimat yang menerangkan bersifat lebih merinci atau minor. Peran ini tentu saja menentukan posisi kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf. Kalimat yang menerangkan terletak dibelakang kalimat yang diterangkan. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari penggunaan kata ganti tertentu atau dari kata-kata lain yang dapat menciptakan koherensi teks.

2.  Urutan kegiatan dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam menentukan susunan yang tepat. Selain itu, kata-kata yang menunjukkan urutan kejadian maupun urutan waktu penting untuk menjadi perhatian untuk menentukan susunan kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf. Coba perhatikan kalimat acak berikut ini, lalu tentukan susunan yang tepat untuk membuat paragraf yang baik.
1. You can do this even before you meet him or her.
2. In 2050, everyone in the world will have a personal web page with their information on it
3. You can check out someone's web page to learn about the person.
4. These web pages will use the five senses ; sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing.

Pembahasan :
Kalimat 1, 3, dan 4 tidak mungkin menjadi kalimat utama sebab mereka menjelaskan kalimat yang lainnya. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari pemakaian kata this way, his or her, dan these web. Kalimat pertama/utama adalah nomor 2 sebab kalimat itu masih bersifat umum. Kalimat 4 semestinya menerangkan kalimat nomor 2. Hal ini dapat diketahui  dari pemakaian kata these web. Jadi susunannya menjadi 2-4. Demikian juga kalimat nomor 1 semestinya menerangkan kalimat nomor 3 karena adanya kata him or her yang merujuk pada kata someone.
Berdasarkan analisis ini, maka susunan kalimat acak diatas menjadi paragraf yang benar sesuai dengan urutannya yaitu 2-4-3-1;
"In 2050, everyone in the world will have a personal web page with their information on it. These web pages will use the five senses; sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. You can check out someone's web page to learn about the person. You can do this even before you
meet him or her."